- Elysion 2.0 - Regensburg
- Elysion 3.0
- Elysion 2.1
- point of view
- derive
- derive 3.0
- derive 2.0
- hic sunt leones
- mapping the body (my land)
- mapping the mind
- Tomographie
- Involution
- connecting people
- N 95082‘73‘‘ E 193075‘63‘‘
- BA 0800 12316
- mobil 05- occupation
- mobil 04
- mobil 03
- mobil 02
- mobil 01
- Das Bild (Version 1)
- Das Bild (Version 2)
- SCAN München
- ohne Titel, Prag, 2007
- ohne Titel, München, 2006
- mobil
- barcode-artnet
- Vita
- Kontakt
- Impressum